1. monica young says:

    Wow, that is great. I am now interested on see how it evolves. Thanks for sharing

  2. Meagan says:

    I have heard of this diet before in regards to Autism and things of that Neuro Nature but had no clue about using in for Psoriasis. We have thought about trying out the Feingold Diet to see if it helps out with Jakers and his autism and the results you are seeing have made me decide to look back into this alot more detailed. That is amazing what it is doing for LiL Man

    • admin says:

      Thanks Meagan. I found the Feingold diet to be a good start, but it is outdated in terms of what foods are high in salicylates. I tested a few safe Feingold foods, but my son was still reactive. It is definitely worth trying as a base, but if you are finding that it is not working, you may need to take more of the high “sals” foods out. Thanks for reading!! Let me know how I can help you!

      • Tiffaney says:

        These fruits and veggies are also VERY important to avoid if you vaccinate. Especially after flu and varicella, you are not supposed to consume anything with salicylates for SIX weeks after the vaccine (along with not being around infants, children and elderly), but unfortunately, doctors won’t tell you this… 🙁

        • Tiffaney says:

          And raw milk is great at helping psoriasis as well. Helps really quickly. 😀

        • admin says:

          SO interesting Tiffany. I recently learned vaccines were high in sals/phenols, but I find this very compelling. Thank you for sharing this important info!!

        • Pamela says:

          Why do the doctors not share this?

          • admin says:

            Hi Pamela,

            Frustrating indeed, unfortunately as with many doctors, they do not link nutrition to any form of disease. What clued me in is when my son’s skin cleared in 5 days from his stomach virus, but always had a hunch it was something he was eating. We fail to look from the inside an seek solutions to apply topically which usually does not solve the issue, just masks it. I’ve been told 30% of the time atopic dermatitis is related to food, and more often I like to think that number lingers around 80%. Now I am seeking a solution to heal the gut so we can eat more foods as this is a very limiting diet.

      • Markey says:

        The Feingold Program isn’t outdated. Which salicylates are problematic is individual. Also, the lists you see do not address the kind of salicylate. See http://www.feingold.org/salicylate.php The Feingold list is kept the way it has always been because it works — the membership materials does includes all the new info (since the Swain research of 1985). You do what works! Sounds like you have! What a wonderful feeling it must be to find an answer for your son.

  3. Lydia says:

    Good job figuring this out!! Hope it continues to get better.

  4. Jasmine, thank you for sharing your journey with your son with all of us. I have been passing on your information to a friend who’s child is going through something similar. Encouraging stuff here!

  5. anna@preventing ringworm says:

    Thanks Jasmine, for sharing it with everyone. It is really very irritating to go through with psoriasis, and it needs to take extra care while suffering. I would surely keep this information in my mind in case I need it in future, And you really did a great job!

    • admin says:

      Thank you Anna, I just want to create awareness to help others of looking at other possibilities in food triggers

  6. Barbara says:

    Wow, thank you for sharing this. My mom suffered with psoriasis all her life. My children suffer with eczema even though we are wheat and gluten free. I’ll look into this diet and eliminating high sals.

  7. Maureen Womack says:

    Do you have any links on what a diet eliminating high sals looks like?


  8. Maria says:

    Thank you soooooooo much for this article!! Today you gave me what I needed to understand that what my baby has is NOT eczema but psoriasis! I cannot find the foods to avoid… I am already avoiding so many! Could you please give me that list so I can help my baby better? Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


  9. marian campo says:

    I have been suffering Psoriasis problems for years and had been taken through numerous tests given all kinds of creams with steroids …they gave me injections with steroids which would work for about a week then the psoriasis came back with a vengeance …..nothing was working …..I decided one day while cleaning debris out of our garage that was stored by several tenants and in the debris was a jar of Royal jelly…… from an early childhood I heard my mother talking about the fantastic cures from Royal Jelly this is taken from the queen bee hive ….company is Jaffra ….well I tried applying the cream and within 2 days the psoriasis was gone ……no more steroids …..no more anything but the Royal Jelly from Jaffra …..It has been hard to find but is fantastic …..try it …it helps

    • admin says:

      That is great to know there is another possible solution to relieving yourself from psoriasis. Thank you for sharing!

    • Elizabeth Thomson says:

      Hello, thank you marian for the royal jelly tip. Jaffra company is in US, so I have just purchased a jar from an Australian company (free post too, which is good)
      I’ve had Psoriasis for 58 years and it is really bad at the moment.
      So instead of cream from doctor, I’m going to try the Royal Jelly.
      I will let you all know how I go.

      Jasmine, I am looking into the Salicylate connection, will let you know how it helps me.

      Thank you everyone for your positive, supportive, informative posts, I’m so glad I found this wonderful place!

  10. admin says:

    Hi Ruth,

    I would try taking out all fruit including avocados and tomato and tomato based products and switching your oils as a start and wait a couple more weeks. It usually takes around 21 days for foods to cycle through our bodies. My son loved organic kethcup too, he is also sensitive to the starchy veggies. I am eager to start more greens again, but keep telling myself this is a phase. It is tough, a very tough diet to follow. I ordered the FailSafe Program from Australia but if you weave your way through, you can find the lists of foods. I am on a group called Salicylate Sensitivity on FB, so see if you can find that as a support system. Keep me posted.

  11. […] I posted about how I am reversing my son’s psoriasis and linked his psoriasis to a salicylate allergy, two things are coming to mind. 1.) What the heck […]

  12. Jane says:

    Both my son and I have suffered from sal intolerance with varying degrees of improvement. I’m fully recovered and I take desiccated thyroid hormone and do many nutritional supplements and probiotics.

    Dr. Broda Barnes linked psoriasis to hypothyroidism and I think that is a central factor for us as others have said at the Salicylate Sensitivity site, and also those doing the FAILSAFE low sal diet.

    (Sue Dengate has a great book on sal intolerance called Fed Up based on the FAILSAFE diet researched by Anne Swain PhD at the Royal Price Alfred Hospital in NZ. Sal intolerance is very well known and practiced by RDs in Australia and NZ.)

    back to hypothyroidism… Barnes tested patients with a full history of symptoms and physical signs such as basal body temps and reflex testing. Blood testing is not accurate. See his book, Hypothyrodism: The Unsuspected Illness. Sadly modern endocrinologists dismiss his incredible amount of knowledge and tremendous success during his long career as a GP and researcher.

    Sals inhibit thyroid function as well, so it seems to be chicken vs. egg.

    Also an OAT urine test will show if bad bacteria that overproduce sals are a factor. For me, homemade raw milk kefir balanced my gut flora enough to eliminate my major sal symptom, interstitial cystitis. Which is also connected to hypoT. See Dr. Weyrich’s mention:

    Also cod liver oil http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18795922

    • admin says:

      Hi Jane and thank you so much for your informative reply! We are currently doing the FS diet with much success and many times I want to throw in the towel. I do believe this was triggered by our traumatic birth he had, (which was posted a couple of weeks ago). I am currently looking into the OAT test and a panel of blood work for him including hypothyroid. I met a fantastic NP over the weekend who gave me a list of tests to request from our doctor to get things started and healing his gut in the right direction. My son is super sensitive to the sals and adding something unknowingly made me realize how sensitive he is reacting to sals (and amines much to my surprise!)

      I will definitely look up that book, I’ve been interested in the thyroid connection w skin issues and behavioral issues from what I learned at this Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference this past weekend in Chicago.

      I am so determined to help heal his gut and am inspired by your story. It is a journey indeed!

  13. […] be honest, I’ve been stuck in a food rut. Every since I discovered my son’s salicylate allergy a part of me died. The part that loves to be creative in the kitchen. We have embarked the FailSafe […]

  14. […] Reversing My Son’s Psoriasis by Healthy Jasmine […]

  15. […] ✦ Reversing My Son’s Psoriasis by Healthy Jasmine […]

  16. […] Reversing My Son’s Psoriasis by Healthy Jasmine […]

  17. […] Reversing My Son’s Psoriasis by Healthy Jasmine […]

  18. […] Children – Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (Plus Herbal Mouthwash Recipe) by Hybrid Rasta Mama Reversing My Son’s Psoriasis by Healthy Jasmine Is Magnesium Really as Magnificent as They Say? by Purposeful […]

  19. […] Reversing My Son’s Psoriasis by Healthy Jasmine […]

  20. carrie says:

    I have dermatitis and the topical cream my doctor gave me just isn’t doing anything. And over the Winter it has spread so much, so I have started doing research for alternative treatments. I just came across your article and am very intrigued with it and am anxious to try this Thank you so much for sharing your story!

  21. This is SO inspiring, Jasmine!!! I love how you proved the doctors wrong and kept pushing for your son’s health! GOOD MAMA! 🙂 I’ve heard of removing salicylates for a Fibromyalgia protocol, but never in relation to psoriasis. Thank you for sharing this. xo

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